Health and Safety when using felt.
Be aware of allergies to the fleece fibers or ingredients used in the soap as extended contact with these may cause allergies to affect individuals in the form of rashes, irritation etc.
Do not use acrylic or synthetic fibers as they will not felt together.
When dry felting be aware of the barbed felting needle as it is very sharp and it can be easy to prick yourself.
When dry felting always do so onto a foam block so that the barbed felting needle does not come into contact with felter.
When wet felting be sure to clear up any excess water as it would cause a trip hazard.
Always dry off equipment before putting away as wet materials can soon get damp and grow mould in warm, dark conditions.
When using soap avoid contact with eyes, if contact is made rinse with cold water immediately.
Take caution when using boiling water, if burns occur rinse immediately under cold water.
Always clear up felting needles as they could cause a hazard to other class members if left unattended.