Thursday, 30 October 2014

artist links

David Hockney:
When we were  practicing one of the artists we looked at was David Hockney, a British painter who has chosen to dedicate his art to the movement of pop art.

Fiona Rae:
Fiona Rae is the artist we focused on for abstraction, she has developed a unique style where she will drip paint down the canvas at different angles, she also applies different coloured paints onto a paintbrush before making a brush stroke.

Francoise Nielly:
After exploring the use of pallet knives as a painting tool we were introduced to the French artist Francoise Nielly. The subject matter of her work is people and in particular portraits. Using bright and contrasting colours she creates large portraits using only pallet knives.

Lucian Freud:
Lucian Freud is a British painter who is known for his use of impasto or textured paint in his work. His pieces are created by layering up paint to give the piece almost a 3 dimensional feel. Using the same technique we practiced our own use of impasto.

Decorating and Finishing

There are many ways to decorate a ceramic piece, a few we have explored are glazes such as white glaze which is applied to the ceramic after the bisque firing, different oxides including iron and copper. A recent technique we have explored  is a process of covering a ceramic piece in a thin layer of different coloured slip and once dry etching and engraving into it to reveal the colour beneath.

Joining closed forms

In order to make a solid form from clay it must be composed from 2 separate forms with a hollow center so that the form doesn't explode when heated in the kiln. A ball of clay is needed first and must be rolled between your hands to make it as round as possible. Press your thumb or a similar sized object directly into the middle of the ball so it roughly represents the shape of a vase, do the same with another ball of clay. Across the top or lip of the form score into it and fill the scores with slurry, now join both forms together making sure not to close up the hole that will be left inside. Once joined you can mould the new form into the desired shape, a small hole is needed at the bottom of the form to allow air to escape when firing.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Felt Making

Wool Fibres
Bar of soap
Warm Water
Bubble Wrap
Sushi Mat
Netting or Mesh Fabric

1. Lay down the sheet of bubble wrap with the bubble side facing up.

2. From the collection of wool fibres pull off small chunks and layer them down on top of the bubble wrap, with the next layer facing the opposite direction. Do not cut the wool as the blunt edge will not felt well.

3. Place the netting over the top of the wool careful not to move it.

4. Sprinkle water over the wool but do not over wet.

5. Press down on the wool to make sure it absorbs all of the water.

6. Gently rub the bar of soap across the netting holding the netting so not to move it.

7. once more gently rub around the wool in a circular motion for a few minutes.

8. Carefully remove the wool from the bubble wrap and place it onto the sushi mat.

9. Roll the sushi mat up tightly to drain off any excess water.

10. Roll the sushi mat backward and forward for a few minutes to bind the felt fibers together.

11. Carefully unroll the mat and rotate the felt before continuing.

12. Once all the fibers are felted together rinse the felt to remove the soap and leave to dry.

Moy Mackay:
Moy Mackay is a Scottish artist who specializes in the use of textiles. The main subject matter of her work is nature, including animals and countryside like scenery.

Mary Clare Buckle:
Mary Clare Buckle is another textile artist who has developed a unique technique where she layers sheets of acrylic between the felt allowing light to be cast through but also allowing the piece to support itself and not have to be confined to a frame.

Pinch Pots

Firstly take a lump of clay and roll it in your hands to make a rough ball shape. Next press your finger or thumb into the middle of the ball in order to make a bowl or vase shape. Smooth the edges so that they are even all the way around and smooth down any cracks that have formed due to drying of the clay. Shape the pot with your hands to create movement and texture within the piece. Add any surface decoration when the clay is at the leather hard stage. Once this is completed the clay is ready for firing.

Examples of pinch pots i have made:


Health and Safety: 
  1. Always wipe down your surfaces at the end of the lesson, to reduce the clay dust.
  2. Always pick up pieces of clay that have fallen on the floor and put them in the bag provided.
  3. Always wash all your tools after use, to reduce clay dust.
  4. Always wash your hands straight after using clay
  5. Clay tools are very sharp so always take care when using them.
  6. Always keep your food and drink in your bags, away from the clay and clay dust.
  7. Always put your coats and bags under the table or at the back of the room.
  8. Air expands when heat, so if you trap air bubbles in your clay the air pressure will cause and explosion, destroying yours and all the other work in the Kiln.