Thursday, 9 October 2014

Pinch Pots

Firstly take a lump of clay and roll it in your hands to make a rough ball shape. Next press your finger or thumb into the middle of the ball in order to make a bowl or vase shape. Smooth the edges so that they are even all the way around and smooth down any cracks that have formed due to drying of the clay. Shape the pot with your hands to create movement and texture within the piece. Add any surface decoration when the clay is at the leather hard stage. Once this is completed the clay is ready for firing.

Examples of pinch pots i have made:


Health and Safety: 
  1. Always wipe down your surfaces at the end of the lesson, to reduce the clay dust.
  2. Always pick up pieces of clay that have fallen on the floor and put them in the bag provided.
  3. Always wash all your tools after use, to reduce clay dust.
  4. Always wash your hands straight after using clay
  5. Clay tools are very sharp so always take care when using them.
  6. Always keep your food and drink in your bags, away from the clay and clay dust.
  7. Always put your coats and bags under the table or at the back of the room.
  8. Air expands when heat, so if you trap air bubbles in your clay the air pressure will cause and explosion, destroying yours and all the other work in the Kiln. 

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